Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Highrise Project- from Montreal

     HIGHRISE is a documentarical project that introduce many people from many regions with different cultures and I am presenting Benoitwho lives in Montreal. He happened to live in 3 different cultures; French, English and Arabiab. As you know Montreal is in Quebec where many French people live and Canada is English culture and he works in Arabian Restuarant. It is same for me. I have 3 cultures around me. I have Korean, English and Russian cultures around me. In contrast, there are also many dissimilarities.

     Benoit loved cooking since when he was young so he learned french pastry. When he grow up he got the job at the resturant named Cremino as pastry chef. The problem is he doesn't know any Arabic and he has problem communicating with other cooks. This is exactly the same as my life. I couldn't speak any Russian language so I had problem everywhere! The major dissimilaritiy is that Benoit tried to learn Arabic by himself but I didn't even tried to learn Russain.

     Another major similarity is that we both live in 3 different cultures. He happened to live in 3 different cultures; French, English and Arabiab. Same here, as I live in Russia I have to contact with Russian cultures automatically, still I live among Korean society in Russia and as I am Korean I have Korean cultures. Finally, I attend British International School so I have English cultures. As Benoit said if we have these kind of various cultures surrounding you, you will recieve disadvantages and advantages at the same time. For example, communication problem.

      Unlike those other guys introduced in HIGHRISE, he's quiet rich and live in proper house. He sees a house across the highway. Across highway, next to his house there is destroyed house. It was very rich building but since when rat started to destroy the place, it became empty. However, the region that I live was very rich and there weren't any poor people. I see many things out of my window. I see skycrappers, cars and etc. but I don't see any destroyed house that's difference.

     The most crucial thing that I learned from this was that like the building next to Benoit's house, we can be destroyed. Even if you are perfect now, you can change and in my opinion, the way how you are being changed is the most important.

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