Wednesday, January 12, 2011

S.A.T Style Reflective Essay - "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" was the movie that made me to think about the significanty of life. Even I watched only the first and short part of this movie but I daresay that I have learned many things.

     The young monk started tie a thread around the creatures body and attach that into rock just for fun and his master found this out. The young monk did this to fish, frog and snake. His master was really angry with his awful action of trating living things. His master did the same thing to the young monk when he was sleeping. The master wanted his student to know how it feels like to be tied with rope and rock. He wanted him to realize that it is painful and unpleasnat. The young monk was ordered by his master to find the three creatures and untie them all. The speech that he made was really remarkable. He said "If one of those creatures is dead, you will have the heavy rock in your heart forever." The young monk went off, and unfortunately fish and snake were dead and only frog was alive. Fish and snake were all found dead in tragic scene. When the young monk found out that the snake was also dead, he started to regret and cry.

     I have the same experience like the young monk. When I was age of 5 to 6, I loved killing ants. However, after my Dad saw this, he asked me to think about in the ants' point of view. After that, I started to treat living creatures carefully. After that, like the young monk, I realized that every living creature are valueable and none of those creatures are born in vain.

     In my opinion, the young monk will learn more about in the continueing movie, and I hope I do learn movie in my life.   

1 comment:

  1. Good essay, and I agree - the monks short speech was very powerful. I like the metaphor of "carrying a stone in your heart." Your story of ants reminds me of the animation Ant Bully. Have you seen it?
